Monday, November 26, 2012

Incredible talent and design

I can not believe the talent behind this barber. He has taken a haircut to the ultimate level of creativity and skill. When I first saw this I was mind blown. How on earth could someone cut an individuals hair better than I could draw on papers. This video can describe it far better than I ever could.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Worlds Longest Beard

As I was doing my last post it made me think... who has the longest beard in the world? Sarwan Singh is the one who holds the current record for longest beard at 7 feet 9 inches. Talk about determination and commitment. This is not either fashionable or envious for me, however, it is pretty exceptional.

Beard Envy


Facial hair always seems to be a hot topic of conversation and I love to hear what people have to say about it. I find that older generations tend to lean to the clean shaven look and standard. The younger generation has loosen the standards of what is acceptable and whats not. It seems now days that regardless of which side of the spectrum you are on that facial hair is in fashion and that the younger generation is embracing the natural growth of facial hair. How could you not love a good beard! Think of the athletes who have exceptional beards two come to my mind, Brian Wilson of the San Francisco Giants and James Harden of the Houston Rockets these guys are know for their beards. Fans will purchase fake beards to intimidate and support the beard. You have to respect such a full and balanced beard these beards are masterpieces. These are the two beards I envy the most.